Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Written Pathetic Appeal Analysis (Rough Draft)

For my written pathetic appeal, I addressed Arizona’s new immigration policy. I claim that Arizona’s policy should be opposed because it is unconstitutional, racist, and victimizes people who aren’t in a position to defend them-selves.  I used emotionally-charged language to show the dark side of America’s immigration policy history, and that the bill is unconstitutional, racist, and strains national relations. Finally, I used enargeia to convey the harms that this policy visits on individuals.  The emotional appeals are designed to invoke fear, anger, and sympathy in the audience.  I hope that these emotions lead them to take action, in the form of signing an online petition which alerts state governors to opposition to the bill.  My hope is that the reader will interpret the fear and anger as products of a malicious, unconstitutional and racist policy, and feel compelled to contribute a few moments of their time to fighting the injustice.  Please, read my appeal.

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